Over the years you make friends and something that I have learnt over time is that the best friends you make are in elementary school and college! And the ones that you make in college mean the most to you as they are your family away from home. And these are the people who are there for you whether they know it or not! I have made the most amazing friends in college, ones that I would never in a thousand years would mean so much to me! I have seen these people grow so much and help me in my way through college life and in my walk with my one love, JC yall....These are the people that have been there for me whether or not I told them what was going on!!! They just know that you need them!!! It almost sounds like im rambling on again...but you know I appreciate all my friends that have been there for me this past year!!!!!
Owh well the years over and this is my resolution for the New Year 2009.....is to make more amazing friends and cherish the ones that I have this year!!!! Hehehehehehehehehe.........
Here are some of my pictures of the year of the people that I love to death!!! In random order these are my favorite people....